Conditions for Participation

The Conference Accepts the Following Participation:

    • Research proposals (complete or incomplete research tries which a researcher wishes to publish a synopsis about it in the conference).
    • Experiences (Educational practical ideas extracted from the researcher or practitioner’s experience to achieve a certain learning objective and the researcher wishes to present it in the conference).


 Conditions and Standards of Accepting Participation:

    • The participation must be about one of the conference areas and themes. The researcher has to indicate the area and theme of his paper.
    • The participation has to achieve the academic research standards and rules, and contribute to enriching the conceptualizations and educational practices in the areas of education and psychology.
    • The researcher has to have his paper edited and reviewed.
    • The participation has to pass the academic arbitration.
    • The offprints taken from larger academic works can only be accepted after being modified to meet the conference terms.


Specifications Strictly Required in the Participation:

    • The participation should contain an abstract of at least 250 words including research objectives, methodology adopted, research community and sample, research tools, research general results and the key words of the research.
    • The research structure consists of introduction, the feeling of the problem, research problem and questions, objectives, importance, terminologies, previous studies, methodology and procedures, results, recommendations and sources, and references. The research can contain tables, drawings and illustrations.
    • The participation should not have been published or approved to be published by any authority.


Terms and Standards of Writing the Participation:

    • Not less than 15 papers and not more than 20 pages.
    • Printing on A4 papers using MS-Word. The font of letters is Simplified Arabic with size 14 and the space between lines is single space. The distance between paragraphs is 10 points.
    • Printing on A4 papers using MS-Word. The font of letters is Times New Roman with size 12, and the space between lines is Single Space. The distance between paragraphs is 10 points.
    • The main titles in bold with size 16.
    • The sub-titles in bold with size 14 and an indention.
    • Numbering of pages is middle bottom.
    • Margins is 2.5cm in all sides.
    • References in APA system.
    • The first page contains the research title, name(s) of the researcher(s), his academic title and the institution he works for.


General Notes:

    • Participation can be individual or jointed.
    • Papers approved by the Academic Committee will be included in the conference book.
    • The participation languages accredited in the conference are Arabic and English.